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Free CAD viewing software from Delcam

All visitors to Delcam's web site can claim free CAD viewing software which works with most CAD systems by using the integrated IGES translator.

The software can be used to view models fromDelcam's Powershape CAD package or from most other CADsystems by using the integrated IGES translator. By allowing allparticipants in any project to view models at any time, theviewer will enable companies to improve communications betweendepartments and so help them to manage projects more efficiently.It will be particularly useful to those involved in sales ormarketing as they will be able to use the viewer to discussprogress on a project with the customer, instead of having tointerrupt the company's CAD operators.

The free viewer isalso available as part of the Delcam's new corporate CD.This also includes a free evaluation copy of the company'sPowershape hybrid CAD modeller and a wide range of information onproduct development and toolmaking from the Delcam web site, plusvideos of demonstrations of all of Delcam's Power Solutionsoftware.

The evaluation copy of Powershape has all thefunctionality of the current release for both solid and surfacemodelling but has the save capability disabled.

A special seriesof tutorials has been added to allow users to assess the softwarein a controlled way.

The Delcam viewer and the Powershapeevaluation version should run on any Pentium PC with a minimum of128 Mb RAM running Windows 98 or Windows NT.

The Powershapehybrid CAD system is a key component in Delcam's PowerSolution range of software.

The full range comprises Powershape,plus the associated drafting and mould design modules PS-Draftand PS-Mold; PowerMILL, the UK's leading cam system formodelmaking and toolmaking; the reverse engineering packageCopyCAD; ArtCAM for 3D engraving; and PowerINSPECT forinspection.