AutoVue for JAVA added to NexPrise ipTeam
NexPrise, the leading provider of collaborative commerceplatforms for B2B exchanges, today announced a technologypartnership with Cimmetry Systems, the leader in Visual DataAccess and Collaboration solutions. Cimmetry's onlinevisualization tool, AutoVue for JAVA, is an additional offeringto the latest release of NexPrise ipTeam, version 4.0. NexPriseenables manufacturers, suppliers, customers, and partners tosecurely collaborate on critical e-business processes such asstrategic sourcing of direct materials, product development, andprogram management and execution in a global virtual workspace.Offered as a tightly integrated component of the NexPrisesolution, Cimmetry's AutoVue for JAVA technology will allowpublic and private B2B exchange users to view and markup drawingsand models of over 200 different file types and formats, allowingmultiple users to add comments without affecting the originalfile.
Cimmetry's offering works seamlessly withNexPrise's collaborative sourcing and product developmentcapabilities, and the technology combination greatly improves andeases communications between virtual team members connectedacross organizational and geographical boundaries 'With theaddition of Cimmetry visualization technology to the NexPrisesolution, the global product development team-includingengineers, designers, buyers and suppliers-is now able to moreeasily develop and share ideas and issues in less time, and withgreater clarity, all in a secure, web-enabled environment,'said Brian Strasser, Business Development Manager at CimmetrySystems.
'We are pleased to have been selected by NexPriseto complement their award-winning solution, and look forward tobringing the benefits of our visualization capability to theircustomers.' 'Cimmetry is a recognized leader inproviding powerful visualization tools for manufacturingcompanies, and understands the important role that visualcommunications and collaboration play in complex procurement andproduct development efforts,' said Ram Sriram, founder andpresident of NexPrise.
'Cimmetry's powerful view andmarkup capability is a great enhancement to NexPrise'saward-winning collaborative commerce solution for B2Bexchanges.'
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