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3D HSM CAM software approved by SolidWorks

First released in 1997, NC Graphics' DEPOCAM Standalone 3D HSM CAM software has been approved as a SolidWorks Certified CAM Partner product and has direct interface to SolidWorks.

First released in 1997, NC Graphics' DEPOCAM Standalone 3D HSM cam software has recently been approved as a SolidWorks Certified CAM Partner product. DEPOCAM HSM CAM software is a stand-alone CAM system, specialising in 3D, which integrates with existing CAD and cam systems and now also includes a direct interface to SolidWorks. DEPOCAM boasts many innovative features including automatic 3D roughing.

This is suitable for all types of forms, creating an optimised, smooth cutter motion for High Speed Machining (HSM), while helping to extend tool life, minimising wear on the machine tool and producing parts with excellent surface finish.

The main features of the software are as follows.

* Automatic 3D Roughing.

* Z-Level Waterline Machining Using Surface Contact Angles.

* Raster (Planar) Pass Machining Using Surface Contact Angles.

* Spiral and Radial Machining.

* Horizontal Area Machining of Flat Surfaces Only.

* Pencil and Parallel Pencil milling.

* Morph and Boundary Machining.

* Automatic Rest Machining.

* 3D Constant Offset and Corner Offset Machining.

* Core Roughing.

* Perpendicular Raster Machining.

* Variable feed rate Control.

* Advanced Drilling Routines.

* 3 + 2 Machining.

* Stock Models.

* Customisable tool holders.

* Fully gouge protected tool paths.

DEPOCAM is well known for its very user-friendly interface, with a typical learning curve of just 1 day required to machine a live job, so is ideal for use in a shop-floor environment.

Features include the following.

* Very user friendly interface - making it suitable for occasional users.

* DEPOCAM offers many advanced 3D machining routines, rest roughing and 3 + 2 capabilities for all tool paths - ideal for the mold, tool and die industry.

* Fast and efficient roughing strategies, including core roughing.

* Advanced Drilling Routines - includes automatic hole detection and / or user defined holes.

* All machining routines are fully gouge protected for both the cutter and the tool holder Benefits.

DEPOCAM has been an established product since 1997.

It is easy to learn and use - learning curve of just 1 day - ideal for the shop-floor.

Tool paths are optimised for HSM machining, to extend tool life and reduce wear on the machine.

3D stock models can be created to clarify material moved.

NC Graphics are renown for their excellent back up and support services, based on end user feedback.

* About NC Graphics (Cambridge) - Specialising in 3D Advanced CAM Solutions Since 1977 for the Engineering of Tomorrow.

Established since 1977 in Cambridge, UK, NC Graphics provides CADCAM solutions, offering all the tools needed to design and manufacture prototypes, models, moulds, dies, patterns and finished products.

Our specialist area is 3D HSM CAM with our product DEPOCAM, which is also a SolidWorks Certified CAM Partner product.

All NC Graphics software is written and tested in-house, by their highly skilled development team and machining algorithms are tested on their CNC machine tool.

This ensures that the company is able to provide an excellent back up and support service for the software.


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